Have you been told you have carpal tunnel syndrome? Or maybe you are concerned the symptoms you are experiencing are from carpal tunnel syndrome. Reach out to discuss the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome in Richmond with our specialist and begin seeking relief.

What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition that starts when the median nerve in your wrist gets squeezed or compressed. The median nerve and tendons pass through this tunnel to control sensation in your thumb, index, middle finger, and part of the ring finger. It also helps cause movement to some of the small muscles in the hand.

Your carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway of bones and ligaments that serves as a tunnel to connect your arm to your hand. The structure is rigid and formed by bones. When there is any swelling in the area, it puts pressure on the median nerve, leading to the condition known as carpal tunnel syndrome. A variety of things can contribute to developing CTS.

How your wrist was formed at birth could cause some people’s carpal tunnel to be slightly narrower. Certain health conditions, such as diabetes or kidney disease, and repetitive motion for work or sports can also trigger symptoms. While there is not one exact cause, developing symptoms is not always directly related to your occupation or repetitive use activities.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can be found in people of all ages but is more prevalent in adults. When you understand the anatomy of the wrist and how carpal tunnel syndrome forms, it is easier to understand how to identify the symptoms in Richmond.

What Are the Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel?

The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome are caused by pressure on the nerve. They primarily affect the hand and wrist and can range from very mild to severe. Most symptoms develop gradually and affect your ability to perform daily tasks and overall quality of life.

The hallmark symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome is numbness or tingling in the thumb and first three fingers. The numbness can occur in one area or all over. Most describe the sensation as feeling like pins and needles.

Initially, you might feel this tingling or numbness intermittently, but as the problem progresses, the symptoms become more consistent and more severe. You may also wake up in the morning with more symptoms than later in the day. This can be caused by holding your wrist in a flexed position while you are asleep.

Pain is another significant symptom that can extend from the wrist, up the arm to the shoulder, or down to the palm and fingers. The pain is sharp or burning and gets worse when you do things involving your wrist.

Your hands may become weak, and you could lose grip strength. This makes it more difficult to perform tasks like buttoning your clothes, holding an object, or opening jars. You might not notice that you start dropping things more frequently as your hand becomes weak and numb.

Additionally, you might experience swelling in your fingers, although you may feel the swelling more than you see it. This contributes to the overall discomfort you have with the condition.

It is important to recognize that carpal tunnel symptoms can vary between people in Richmond and may affect one hand or both hands. Although these symptoms indicate carpal tunnel syndrome, they can also be associated with other conditions, which makes it crucial you are evaluated by a hand specialist.

How Are These Symptoms Treated?

Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome in Richmond is a multifaceted approach to help relieve the pressure on the median nerve and reduce the symptoms. The choice of treatment depends on how severe your condition is and whether there is any nerve damage.

Early intervention often reduces the need for surgery, which highlights the importance of recognizing the symptoms and getting appropriate care as early as possible. One of the early treatment options is a wrist splint, which helps keep your wrist in a neutral position at night and during the day. This helps reduce pressure on the median nerve. Wearing a splint 24/7 for a short time and then for an extended period at night may reduce the symptoms enough that you will not need further treatment.

Another option is nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These medications, like ibuprofen, can offer temporary relief from the pain. However, they do not treat the condition. Corticosteroid injections or oral medications can help reduce inflammation and relieve the pressure on the median nerve. Although injections or oral medications provide temporary relief, the effect can decline over time.

When the symptoms are severe or do not improve with non-surgical treatment, our experienced hand surgeon may suggest a surgical option to help relieve the pressure and increase the size of the carpal tunnel. This offers relief from the pain and discomfort and reduces the risk of permanent damage to the nerve.

Call Today to Discuss the Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Potential Treatment Options in Richmond

Carpal tunnel syndrome can be painful and debilitating. When you call to schedule your consultation with our hand specialist, we can discuss the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome in Richmond and recommend treatment options that fit your situation.

There is no need to wait longer to relieve the pain and regain as much of your function as possible. Call today and discover the benefits of working with a skilled hand specialist.

Comprehensive Hand Surgery
2819 North Parham Road Richmond Suite 100, VA 23294 Get Directions